Google Webmaster Tools
1. Log into your Google webmaster tools account
2. Click on “Search traffic” (on the left)
3. Click on “Search Analytics”
4. Below the graphic (on the right) are a list of keywords
5. You can TICK the TICKBOX “Position” and order by ranking position
6. If you do not see any keywords, you do not yet rank for anything.

How to create your target keywords and update your website

Make a “List of keywords” related to your business objectives in Step One

Look at the pages and links (Links are the URL, for example: https://mywebsite/page-about-nuts )
Do you have pages with URL of the keywords in your “List of keywords”?


Do you have high quality content, that contains the words in your “List of keywords”?


How popular is each keyword?

Do a normal “Google Search” for each one of your keywords, look at the Google search results, just below the input box, you should see something similar to this: “About 4,190,000,000 results (0.40 seconds)”

Write the number of total results for each keyword, next to the keyword itself on your “List of keywords”

If the larger the number, the more challenging it may be to position yourself higher in search results.

How can you target more popular keywords?

(i) You can go for a longer tail (long tail)
– An example of longer tail keywords:
If you sell cats
About 854,000,000 results
– Instead of just trying to rank for “cats” you target: “buy baby kitten” (three words instead of one word (longer tail or long tail) – you target what people will search for…

(ii) You can create a POST category, “cats” and sub category “grey cats” (and more sub categories)
– Then you can start adding high quality content (POSTS) about “cats” with photos of “cats”

(iii) There are many many more things you can do, more about that later… – You are still busy just checking, fixing and changing the basics…

This step should take you at least a week or more to do. Please ensure that you add high quality content, useful content and valuable information to your page (or posts)

Content is writing, photos, videos, lists and other useful information.

At the end of this Step Two, you should have a basic website that contains pages (or posts) with keyword or keywords in the URL and on the page content.

These keywords should be the keywords related to your business objectives in Step One

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